A revolutionary skin test like no others on the market, SkinDNA® combines 16 core genetic markers (SNPs) and dozens of secondary genetic markers together to allow us to create a much more in-depth picture of how your skin is functioning.
These core gene combinations play a role in skin protection, premature aging and determining future wellbeing of our skin.

SkinDNA® can help identify genetic traits associated with accelerated collagen loss – that can lead to premature skin laxity, poor wound healing, and a decline in the health and appearance of your skin. In addition to this, SkinDNA® helps to identify your skin’s solar protection factors responsible for melanin production, pigmentation, blood vessel changes (broken capillaries), age spots and pigmentation.

SkinDNA® can help to identify “trigger” genes that may lead to skin sensitivity issues caused by topical ingredients, perfumes, diet or environmental factors as well as help identify your skins natural defences against free radicals, toxins and pollutants.

This skin test is literally the blueprint to your individual skin. A test that you only need to take once that will teach us what YOUR skin needs to achieve optimal skin health forever.


SkinDNA Exploration

Understand your skin genetics, predispositions, skin requirements and more with this test. SkinDNA Exploration encompasses a clinical consultation, facial analysis, test results and skincare, treatment, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.
A one-off service that can identify more than any beauty salon or aesthetic clinic you’ve been to in the past could know.

1 hour - results are sent digitally to you with explanation

skindna Analysis Package

Understand your skin genetics, predispositions, skin requirements and more with this test. MiSkin’s SkinDNA Analysis Package encompasses all of MiSkin’s SkinDNA Exploration treatment service. Additionally, it also includes a second appointment to discuss your results in-depth as well as collated into a customised pack for you and also includes a customised facial treatment.

First Appointment - Consultation & Test, 1 hour
Second Appointment - DNA results, customised facial and skincare and treatment recommendations, and a personalised report, 1 hour 30 minutes

2 hours 3o minutes