Dermal Journal:

MiSkin’s go-to source for all things skincare and wellness. Dive into our blogs to discover expert insights, practical tips, and the latest trends in the world of skin, beauty and self-care.

Welcome to MiSkin’s Dermal Journal!

Michelle Black Michelle Black

How Does Gut Health Affect Your Skin?

Improving gut health for skin rejuvenation involves a multifaceted approach, focusing on nutrition, lifestyle, and possibly supplementation, to nurture the gut microbiome's balance and functionality.
By fostering a harmonious gut microbiome through mindful dietary and lifestyle choices, we can move towards an optimal, radiant, and clear complexion.

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

Spring Cleaning For Your Skin: Revitalise & Rejuvenate

As the chilly winter months gradually yield to the warmth and rebirth of spring, it's not just your wardrobe that could do with a thorough sprucing up. Your skin, too, deserves a revitalising treatment after enduring the harsh winter elements.

In this blog post, we'll explore the notion of "spring cleaning" for your skin and introduce you to some pertinent aesthetic treatments to help you achieve a refreshed and radiant appearance.

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

Unlocking the connection: The relationship of antidepressants and our skin

Antidepressants have been prescribed more now than ever, and they provide enormous benefits and relief to those that take them. In relation to the skin, there can be some observations made with the use of antidepressants - there is research (directly and indirectly), showing evidence about how antidepressants may influence skin health:

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

How to strengthen your skin barrier: Top 6 tips

Understanding the skin barrier and how it functions is a vital aspect to skin longevity, as well as overall health in the body! In essence, your skin is the largest organ of your body and is made up of multiple layers, each of which performs specific functions when protecting and insulating your body against foreign bodies and pollutants.

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

How important are SPF ratings? Can they safeguard you from sun damage?

Let’s take a deep dive into threats posed by sun exposure and, more importantly, the solutions to combat them! In this blog, we’ll break down what to look for in a sunscreen, which ingredient factors are just as important as SPF and how you can safeguard your skin in the long term with broad-spectrum protection.

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

The importance of a skin coach

In this latest blog we explain the importance of a skin coach vs going at it alone and overwhelmed by all the choices. Of course you can look after your skin by yourself and there are some great over the counter skincare products designed just for this, however, there is a large leap between that path, and one with a skin coach (or skin specialist).

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

Managing rosacea

To find the best and most effective treatment plan, we need to first understand the condition intricately and determine it’s triggers, which can differ from person to person.

In this blog, let’s deep dive into what Rosacea is, how to identify the symptoms and triggers of it, and how to best manage the condition.

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Michelle Black Michelle Black

I’ve had skin issues too

As an acclaimed clinical facialst and skin health specialist, Michelle shares her story and journey of skin issues as a teenager that gave her the inspiration to help others, and how she achieved skin health.

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