Acne is an oily skin condition and also considered a medical skin condition. Other skin conditions can present with pustules (inflamed breakouts), but acne is a separate skin condition that involves the hair follicle and its associated sebaceous (oil) gland.

Hormones, diet and lifestyle, stress, incorrect or poor skincare regime, imbalance of natural oils and hydration within the skin, and medical conditions (to name a few) are some of the biggest triggers to flare the onset of acne and exacerbate oil. Hence, the importance of a thorough skin consultation and diagnosis. Typically, in addition to breakouts, people also experience oiliness and enlarged pores too which can add to the cycle of ongoing acne and lack of confidence.
We will have you guide us through your medical history, current skincare routine, previous treatment plans, and skin history to assist us with tailoring a treatment plan for you and educating you thoroughly on your skin and skin health so you can feel rest assured you are doing the best for your skin and mitigating breakouts.

There are various types and variations of acne and it is one of the most common skin concerns. Many people worldwide are plagued with acne and unsure of how to address it or where to start. It’s a total myth that only adolescents have acne and/or if you’ve not had it as a teenager that you won’t as an adult. Breakouts can occur at any age due to various factors. In some cases, people resort to the internet or trying multiple skincare products in hope of resolving the condition themselves, however, some people can actually exacerbate the condition with incorrect treatments and skincare, and in some cases, make their skin even oilier! A cohesive treatment and skincare plan can address all of these factors to manage, mitigate, and speed healing for any future breakouts that may occur.

Let us guide you to clarity and confidence. Book a consultation today and never look back.

Treating acne

Here are some quick pointers about how to treat acne and where to start. Ultimately, book a consultation with one of our team and learn about your skin.

  • Your skin journey begins with an in-depth skin consultation and skin analysis. We need to determine factors, triggers, medical history, current skincare, and a background history to determine a treatment plan to assist you to skin health.

    At MiSkin, we are serious about skin, your wellbeing and results. We do this through education and care.

  • Well, this is individual to each person’s skin and needs. However, our primary focus is to reduce inflammation, repair barrier function, work to reduce oil flow, and balance hydration.

    We first begin with either LED light therapy or one of our clinical facials. Extractions are also performed to decongest the skin.

    From here, we can customise treatments with resurfacing peels and look at more advanced treatments such as micro-needling to address any residual scarring.

  • A tailored medical grade skincare routine is essential. We want effective ingredients that are going to address cell processes at the core, not on the surface. Medical grade skincare achieves this.

    Oil controlling agents, AHA’s, BHA’s, and anti-inflammatory ingredients are critical to addressing excess oil and breakouts.

    Be mindful of many companies claiming to be cosmeceutical due to having one or two ingredients at a high concentrate. However, it’s critical you are using high-quality medical grade skincare that has clinical data and research behind it, otherwise it’s unfounded.